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Our Guarantee

Our Guarantee

ScentLok designs and manufactures some of the toughest outdoor gear on the market today. We are so confident in the quality and performance of our products that we offer a satisfaction guarantee.


Our Lifetime Apparel Warranty will cover any manufacturer defects in your gear. Our warranty applies to consumer use and will be void if the product is used in a manner it is not intended for. Warranties are non-transferable; proof of purchase must be verified.

If the item proves to be defective in workmanship we will replace it with a new item of similar composition and price. If no such item is available, and the item was purchased directly through us, a refund for the full purchase price of the original item will be issued at our discretion. If the item was purchased through a retailer, we will provide a digital gift card reimbursement.

Any defect or damage caused by abuse, misuse, or an act of nature (fire, flood, moths, animal interactions, etc.) is not covered. Issues such as (but not limited to) tears, stains, pilling, discoloration, deterioration, burns, or damage from normal wear and tear are not covered by this warranty.

ScentLok’s gear is designed to work as hard as you do. Quality and craftsmanship are important to us, and while ScentLok’s products are a force to be reckoned with, our gear is not indestructible. Rocks, briars, branches, unsure footing, and missteps can all cause damage to our gear which is not covered by warranty.

In the unfortunate event that your gear becomes damaged due to any of the above reasons and you are unable to find a local tailor, you have the option to contact our tailoring partner for evaluation and repair options. Please reach out to [email protected] for more information regarding these services.

ScentLok Technologies will repair or replace the product as provided under this Lifetime Warranty. This shall be the only remedy of the consumer. ScentLok Technologies shall not be liable for any loss or damages, including consequential, indirect, and incidental damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, the product, or for breach of any expressed or implied warranty or condition on this product. Except to the extent prohibited by law, any implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are limited in duration to the duration of this warranty.


We guarantee our product within one year of purchase. Please register your OZ unit at ScentLok.com/RegisterOZ. Our guarantee does not cover equipment which has been damaged due to abuse, misuse or accident, such as:

  • use of incorrect line voltages;
  • failure to follow the operating instructions that are provided by ScentLok Technologies;
  • improper or unauthorized repair; or
  • fire, flood, dropping, “acts of God,” or other contingencies beyond the control of ScentLok Technologies

If you have received a damaged item or have a warranty issue, please contact our Customer Service directly for further assistance.

ScentLok Technologies will repair or replace the product as provided under this Warranty. This shall be the only remedy of the consumer. ScentLok Technologies shall not be liable for any loss or damages, including consequential, indirect, and incidental damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, the product, or for breach of any expressed or implied warranty or condition on this product. Except to the extent prohibited by law, any implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are limited in duration to the duration of this warranty.