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Tagged with ' whitewater fishing'

Gear Up for Ice

Ice Fishing

How you dress for ice fishing depends on whether you plan fishing on the open ice or in a shelter. Most anglers opt for a shelter. You don’t want to overdress while making your way to your destination. Ideally, you’ll want to peel off outer garments once you reach the cozy confines of the shelter. Clothing for cold-weather activities has improved in leaps and bounds in recent years. Not only are items like bibs, jackets, boots, and other apparel warmer than ever, but they are lighter and more comfortable. 

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The Importance Of Proper Fishing Gear

Korey Sprengel fishing while wearing the whitewater tamer jacket

Approximately two hours before sunset, while on the boat, a dark rain cloud began to canopy over the top of the lake. After gathering my equipment to get ready for a quick boat ride back to our cabin, I realized this gentleman had no intentions of leaving. As the rain began to fall, he urged me to grab the fishing pole from the front deck with a black plastic worm already tied and start fishing. My first cast in the rain landed six inches on the opposite side of an exposed log. Immediately after the worm hit the water, a bass hit like that of Mark McGwire hitting a baseball.

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Shallow Bass Fishing During The Fall

Heath Wood posing with his fishing pole and whitewater gear

Watching in the distance, I noticed several boats travel into the small creek arms to do most of their fishing. It wasn’t long before I heard the bass splash coming out of the water. From where I was standing, I could see a gentleman reeling in a famous Table Rock largemouth bass. As my weekend at the lake continued, my assumption of where the bass could be found was validated.

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Sucker Gigging

Men fishing on a boat at night with the water lit up by flashlights

As our boat came around another shoal on the Eleven Point River, we were utterly in awe of the moon that seemed to be sitting on top of the water. While motoring down the river in complete darkness, the lights attached to the gigging rail often allow us to visualize what is ahead. This night, however, the moon sparkling off the water gave us plenty of light, along with a special appreciation for being outdoorsmen.

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Best Summer Lures For Bass Fishing

Man going through his lures while fishing and wearing whitewater tech hoodie

Two predictable things happen when the peak of summer arrives and temperatures rise. The first is that fishermen lose some of their enthusiasm, and the second is that fish can become harder to find. Anglers take heart; it’s no big mystery.

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Five Essential Boat Items That Can Save Your Fishing Day

fishing, whitewater fishing, whitewater, fishing tips, boat maintenance, boat essentials, boat maintenance tips

Fishermen who are boat owners know that things can happen in a blink of an eye, preventing them from enjoying their time fishing or ending the trip entirely. It could be a mechanical issue with the boat, Mother Nature, or even an emergency issue that might ruin an angler's plans. Here’s a list of five boat essentials that can save your fishing day when unexpected events occur.

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